by Graham Mol
Do you have a special verse or passage of Scripture that is a source of comfort and encouragement to you? It may be a promise, or a line of praise of the Lord’s great qualities that resonates with you. It can be something you can recall or recite that helps you put things in perspective, reminding you of God’s presence and goodness in your life. It can be a reassurance in the face of fear and despair.

In May last year I was blessed as a Christian brother from our Church shared with me a verse reference that he felt was for me. Isaiah 41:10 in the Message translation. I don’t know if he realised just how much this verse would come to mean to me in the days, weeks and months since then, even to this day and I honestly believe into the years ahead.
Don’t panic. I’m with you.
There’s no need to fear for I’m your God.
I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you.
I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you. (Isaiah 41:10 MSG)
These words have become precious to me as they have been a clear reminder that God is with me in all the moments of struggle and doubt, a reminder that He will give me the strength I need. I need not fret or worry for He will never let me go. His “firm grip” gives me confidence to walk in the way that He has shown me, no matter how difficult that may be.
It may be that in sharing how much this verse has helped me, that you too may be uplifted and encouraged by these words of Scripture. Or you may be reminded of a passage or verse that is deeply meaningful to you – and you need to read it again to drink in it’s truth. Or maybe you have been feeling the prompting of the Holy Spirit to share a verse with a friend, to offer them encouragement. I’d urge you to do so. You may never know just how much of a difference it could make in their life.
God Bless
Great word Pastor. Thank you for sharing.