My Peace

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Many people seek peace, and yet it alludes them because they seek to manufacture something that only God, the God of peace, can give us through His one and only Son, the Prince of Peace, and the abiding presence of His Holy Spirit who produces peace within us.

Sermon by Calven Celliers

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In a recent online article, some Harvard professors were discussing the fact that the Covid pandemic has triggered a loneliness epidemic. As the world slowly attempts to shed the weight of COVID-19, we need to face up to the reality that never before, in most of our life-times, has the entire modern world been subjected to such collective feelings of fear, uncertainty, anxiety, sorrow, and loneliness.

Sermon by Calven Celliers

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Spiritual Health

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We understand what it means to be healthy: to be without sickness, to have strength and wellness, to be fit. We also have a better understanding of mental health, the importance of healthy emotions and a sense of peace and wellness. Just as these are important even more so is our spiritual health.

Sermon by Graham Mol

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