by Luke Kincaid
I don’t know about you but there definitely seems to be a tangible feeling you get around Christmas time. I hadn’t yet felt it this year until I was sitting and chatting to my mom yesterday and said to her, “I think I’ve finally got it, that Christmas feeling!” This feeling is difficult to define exactly. There’s an element of joyfulness to it as well as excitement. But as I have thought through it in preparation for writing today’s blog I believe that the main factor of this Christmas feeling is peace, a peace which we can only receive from the Prince of Peace Himself:
6 For a child will be born for us,
a son will be given to us,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
He will be named
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
(Isaiah 9:6)
In this Messianic prophecy we see that Jesus is referred to as the Prince of Peace. And while the peace we have received from Jesus as His disciples is always available to us I believe that Christmas is a special time for us to be reminded of it. This is because before coming to know Jesus we were enemies of God and unable to save ourselves from our sin and Christmas is the reminder that our Savior was born, the One who could make peace with God on our behalf:
1 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1).
What Christmas means to me is the fact that right now, in this moment, those who have repented and believed in Jesus, are at peace with God. We can rest in the truth that we have been justified, our sin no longer has any power over us, and that God loves us and accepts us. And none of this would have been possible without the birth of our amazing Savior Jesus who provides this all for us.
Much love,
Great word Ps. Graham. Thank you and God bless you. John.