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by Graham Mol

One of the things I look forward to each year as we approach the Christmas season is the new Christmas-inspired music released by various Christian artists. There have been many beautiful albums released over the years that have become firm favourites of mine to listen to amongst all the traditional carols. Despite all the other disappointments of 2020, I am happy to say that my search for a album to put on repeat this year has been successful.

Heaven Has Come by Sovereign Grace Music is well worth listening to as we lead up to Christmas Day. You can see that they have drawn inspiration from some of the classic Christmas Carols, reinterpreting them, while at the same time offering carefully and beautifully crafted original pieces. Sovereign Grace Music sums up the purpose behind the album with this statement:

For many, Christmas is far from “the most wonderful time of the year.” But when grief feels unbearable, when our resources are depleted, when the shame of sin crushes our spirits, and when heaven seems an eternity away, Christmas brings unimaginably good news: heaven has come to us.

“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21, ESV)

The first song on the album, O Come, All You Unfaithful introduces this theme of hope for the hopeless, hope that is found in Christ alone. Here is a sample of the lyrics:

O come, all you unfaithful
Come, weak and unstable
Come, know you are not alone

O come, barren and waiting ones
Weary of praying, come
See what your God has done

Christ is born, Christ is born
Christ is born for you

If you find yourself in that place of fatigue and depletion, whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual or in all aspects, I would encourage you to listen to this album and allow the Holy Spirit to use the delicate melodies, deep theological truths and faithfully written words of hope to minister to your soul. And even for those who are in a good space, the songs are still an encouraging blessing.

All the details and links to streaming of the album can be found here: Heaven Has Come

There are also some of the songs available on YouTube. Two of my favourites from the album are Heaven Has Come to Us and How Low Was Our Redeemer Brought.

God Bless


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Caryl Moll

    Thank you Graham…so much!

    1. Graham

      Only a pleasure!

  2. PK

    Beautiful music, enjoyed it.. Thanks Graham

    1. Graham

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

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