by Caryl Moll
I’m hoping that you will experience this virtual hug today. It’s prayerfully laced in beautiful, soft words that hopefully will wash over you, inspire you and encourage you to take the next step.
I stand before you, in the name of Jesus, inviting Him to speak through my writing. I pray that you will acknowledge His presence and His need to speak to you today…
I move closer and ask:
“Am I invited into your space, dear friend? Do you need a hug today?”

Perhaps your arms will open. Then so will mine. We reach around one another in embrace. We cross our hands over our shoulders and breathe deeply; absorbing each other’s strength.
For a moment a gentle warmth descends. We are one in Christ; sisters and brothers, with the Lord at the helm. We can imagine His light streaming over us and His outstretched arms – as He too is drawn into our embrace. We listen… We hear…
“I love you, my children. I know that you will have trouble in this world, but take heart, I have overcome. I will never leave you, nor forsake you. You are my portion. I died for you.
Give me your cross. Allow me to carry it because my burden is light.
Remember child, I made you; I knit you together in your mother’s womb. I have counted every hair on your head. I know you when you wake up and when you sleep. Every step you take has been pre-ordained.
Take heart child, you are fully and perfectly loved. My grace is sufficient for you. I will be with you till the end of the age.
But also remember; talk to me. I am here to listen and I love you.
Only one thing matters: Love me and obey my commands”
We unlock our arms and step back. This has been a holy moment. Understanding rests in both our expressions.
Thank you for being there for me today.
With love, in Christ
thank you for the hug and encouragement