The New Harvest Christian Fellowship is a loving family where we encourage our members to develop life-long friendships and draw closer to God by joining a regular Fellowship Group. A Fellowship Group is group of like-minded people at a similar stage of life as you that meets up during the week and does life together – your family within the family!

Our fellowship groups meet on a variety of days at different times.

  • We have groups that meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
  • There is a group that meets for 6 weeks each school term in the afternoons at the Church dealing with a specific topic of Bible study.
  • We have a families group that meets monthly on a Sunday for those who have young children.

If you would like to join one of the groups or find out some more information please contact our office on 011 794 3836/7 during our weekly hours or speak to one of the pastors at a Sunday service.