by Graham Mol
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength,” (Mark 12:30). This statement by Jesus was the focus of the sermon I preached on Sunday. Following the service I had someone asking about resources or courses they could make use of as they seek to “love Jesus with their mind”.

I thought that I would share some options here for the benefit of anyone reading this blog. These are just some of the resources that I have found helpful in growing my knowledge of the Lord and His word.
Bible Thinker – website:
YouTube Channel:
Bible Thinker is a website and YouTube channel run by Pastor Mike Winger. I came across Mike’s videos a few years ago and have found his careful study and teaching to be of great value. He has covered a wide range of topics from indepth Bible studies, tough theological debates and Q&A sessions. This is a very good place to start in growing your Biblical knowledge.
Renewing Your Mind –
Renewing Your Mind is “an outreach of Ligonier Ministries, an international Christian discipleship organization founded in 1971 by Dr. R.C. Sproul.” It comprises of a daily audio recording/podcast of about 20-30 minutes of Biblical teaching that is presented in a way that the average person can understand. Many of the teachings are by the late R.C. Sproul who had such a warm and engaging way of teaching the truth of God’s word.
Got Questions –
Got Questions is a great quick reference resource for finding answers on Biblical questions. The content is well researched and the writers have a commitment to providing Biblically sound answers. If you are researching a particular topic this is often quite a good place to start looking.
I hope that you find these resources useful as you seek to love the Lord with all your mind.
God Bless