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by Calven Celliers

As the Chairman of a local school council, I was called in to mediate a difficult and potentially explosive meeting, earlier this week. It was a very frustrating situation and I couldn’t help but feel that the issue at hand had the potential of spiralling out of control.

I came home feeling totally exasperated. Have you ever been faced with a situation that you could not control? You feel like it may be difficult, or even impossible, to find a solution to the problem.

When we face challenges in our lives, God wants us to know that we are not alone. Life is filled with ups and downs. But we have an Almighty Father, who will not give us more than we can bear. In all situations, God is always in control.

“While it looks like things are out of control, behind the scenes there is a God who has not surrendered His authority.” (A.W.Tozer)

When we’re in the middle of a trial, it’s hard to resist crying out, “God, why is this happening?” Sometimes we get an answer and sometimes we don’t. But we can be absolutely sure that nothing happens by accident. We have the promise of Romans 8:28 that 28 …in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Our limited human perspective often doesn’t allow us to grasp His greater plan. Seeing in advance how God will work all things for our benefit can be very difficult, if not impossible. However, our heavenly Father’s handiwork is in everything — even our pain, hardships, and losses. He turns mourning into gladness and provides bountiful blessings and benefits from our darkest hours.

Even King David testified to this glorious promise – 11 You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, 12 that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!” (Psalm 30:11 & 12NLT)

As believers, we must accept that things won’t always make sense to us – My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,  so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8 & 9NLT) God sees the beautifully completed big picture. We can rely on the fact that He is in control, no matter how wildly off-kilter our world seems to be.

When things around you seem dark, and maybe even a little scary, hold onto the promises of God. Remember all the mighty deeds that He has performed in the past – both in your life and throughout the ages – and continue in confidence and with certain knowledge that He is wholly in control at all times. 


God bless you,


This Post Has One Comment

  1. John Doyle

    Wonderful word Pastor. Thank you for sharing.

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