
Audio Recording

In times of hurt, loss and suffering, there is a tension between how we feel and what we know to be true about God. It’s that awkward place between pain and promise where we struggle for the right words. The amazing thing is that the Bible has a word for this, Scripture gives us the language of loss – it is called Lament.

Sermon by Graham Mol

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God Won’t Remove What He Chooses to Use

Audio Recording

Part of growing our faith means that we surrender to God’s divine will for us, and asking Him to use stuff until He chooses to remove stuff from our lives. Our hope in difficult times is not based on positive thinking, wishful thinking or natural optimism. It’s a certainty based on the truth that God is in complete control, and that He loves us. Your life is not the result of random chance, fate or luck.
There is a master plan. God is involved in our lives. He knows the plans He has for us, and everything that happens to us work together, they’re all part of the interdependent process that God uses to for our good and His glory.

Sermon by Calven Celliers

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