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The following blog post is an extract taken from our Food for the Journey booklet which covers seven disciplines for Christian living. If you would like to download a digital copy of the booklet and work through the daily devotions please click here: FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY



The purpose of this discipline is to help us maintain a deep respect for who the Lord is. It also helps us to honour the Lord consistently in what we say to Him and how we express our high regard for Him. WORSHIP is evaluating God properly – acknowledging all His attributes and affirming His incredible worth.

God is infinite. His qualities are not measureable by any standard we know. We cannot understand infinity, but we can stand in awe of God who is infinite. God is above and beyond everything we know. God is the source of all holiness, all strength, all authority, full power in creation. His worth stands alone, we can value nothing on a par with Him. He is completely perfect.

When we worship God, our worship springs from a sense of awe and wonder: “Who is like Him?” Worship takes place out of hearts that are thrilled by God, there just does not seem to be enough to say about Him – one is caught up in a sense of someone far greater, far more perfect, far more beautiful than any other person one has known. The Holy Spirit opens our hearts and minds to the wonder of God, so the Holy Spirit is a vital part of worship. Jesus said, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24). From our perspective, worshipping in the spirit is: our response to the Spirit; our dependence on the Spirit; and our sensitivity to the Spirit’s leadership. True worship is not a religious action that produces pride, or a human effort to satisfy a human desire, but rather an expressive outpouring of a deeply grateful heart, seeking to acknowledge all that God is and does.

When we meet together as a body on a Sunday, it is glorious to worship the Lord together, and unite in our praises of Him and our thankfulness to Him. In worship He is our focus, the one we want to bless and so when we worship; it should be done with the intention of delighting Him. Some find it easy to be demonstrative and raise their hands in praise of the Lord, this is precious but it is not a cardinal rule. What is essential is what is going on in the heart. Worship rejoices in God and longs to seek Him further – we love whom we worship so we long to know Him more.

The most expressive act of worship is to sing to the Lord and wouldn’t we all love splendid voices, yet somehow every single voice singing praise to God delights Him.

Worship not only helps us to see the Lord clearly but it also transforms us as we, through worship, are blessed by acknowledging Him in every way. We are lifted into a wonderful sense of His presence, His magnificence and His love for us.


Psalm 100

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
    Worship the LORD with gladness;
    come before Him with joyful songs.
Know that the LORD is God.
    It is He who made us, and we are His;
    we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving
    and His courts with praise;
    give thanks to Him and praise His name.
For the LORD is good and His love endures forever;
    His faithfulness continues through all generations.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Priscilla Hlabangana

    Yes Amen. He is worthy of All worship
    Reminds me of the song
    When I look into Your holiness
    When I gaze into Your loveliness
    When all things that surround become shadows
    In the light of You
    I worship you….. I worship you

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