by Calven Celliers
If I had to ask you if you ‘have ever been thrown into a lions’ den?’ I’m certain the answer would be a definite NO! Metaphorically, however, that might be a different story. If I had to phrase the question slightly differently, and asked you, ‘have you ever been in a situation where you felt trapped, without options or a way out? Have you ever wondered if God is big enough to pull you out of that difficult thing you’re facing?’ I’m certain you would say YES!

In the book of Daniel, we read that Daniel was a faithful follower of the Lord. That, however, didn’t guarantee him a problem free existence. In fact, we read that even though he had been appointed as one of King Darius’s top administrators, his peers were jealous and wanted to destroy him. So, they tricked King Darius into making a decree that anyone who prayed to any god except the king himself would be thrown into a den of hungry lions. Yet, Daniel was persistent and continued with his faithfulness to God. He prayed to God, asking for help; he trusted in God because He knew that God is more powerful than anything he would ever face in this life.
“Your effectiveness and personal victory in Christ are linked to the time you spend with the Lord.” (Charles Stanley)
Daniel rested in the knowledge that God doesn’t promise us a trouble-free life, but He does promise to be with us through it all. Daniel knew that and experienced it first-hand, and so he continued trusting in, praying to, and praising God.
“23 …And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.” (Daniel 6:23NIV)
Here’s what this Biblical account teaches us: Everyone on this planet faces hardships in life. But as Christians we have the hope that no matter what, God will see us through. No matter how dire things may look, there is no situation that God cannot change. The whole book of Daniel gives us constant reminders of God’s sovereignty. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is our one constant in a very unpredictable world. He is still a rescuer, deliverer, and miracle worker, even when circumstances are difficult. That is the great message resounding from the lions’ den. God will be with us in the midst of our adversity and difficulties. We need to place our trust in Him! No matter what’s happening to you, faithfully persist in praying, praising and investing in your relationship with Jesus.
What are you having a hard time trusting God for right now? What is the seemingly impossible situation that you’re sitting in with no clear way out? The pressure may be on. You may not see a light at the end of the tunnel. But you can trust that the living God is in the den with you. He has the ability to “shut the lions’ mouths.” Keep your eyes on Jesus and be a faithful follower!
God bless,
Awesome message. So blessed.
A wonderful, much needed life lesson in this!