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by John Doyle

Making Scrap books is popular among many people and is lots of fun. Pictures are chosen, edited and placed with lots of pleasing memories incorporated in the pictures. Names, dates, places and events are so precious and bring back awesome memories. Meaningful times and events are captured with Family and friends never to be forgotten. Sometimes those pictures and memories will cause great laughter and sometimes tears too, for those who have perhaps lost loved ones.

Last Saturday was our son Keith’s 50th birthday and we have so many Precious memories of him as a little boy, teenager and young man and although he lives far away in the USA my wife Barbara and I are so very proud of the him and thankful to God for the man of God he has become over these 50 years.

Mary the Mother of Jesus had many specific situations that concerned her family. She had treasured specific events that had happened concerning Jesus as a baby, as a child and as He grew into the teen-age years. She didn’t have a Scrapbook or picture album, but she had a mind and heart from where she pulled amazing memories that were joyful, painful, and even heart breaking.

Gods Word says Luke 2:51 “and His mother treasured all these things in her heart.”

Mary must have thought about the many events that had happened in connection with Jesus, before He was born, His birth, the fleeing to Egypt, the day to day happenings at home and then that time in Jerusalem, when Jesus had “˜disappeared”. Mary must have thought about these circumstances, and sometimes pulling them out to think about during the years of her life on earth. How these times must have made sense after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

We can take various events in our lives and remember them from time to time, we can pull out a scrap book and look at the many pictures we have. Many times, by looking back, we are given insight and understanding about God at work in our lives and the lives of our family members.

We do need to remember that Jesus was fully God and He was fully man and knew His future from beginning to end on this earth.

Look at what Gods Word says: Luke 2:52 “And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.”

Jesus continued to increase in wisdom on earth. You and I also need to continue to increase in wisdom, no matter our age. We are to continue to gain understanding of God’s Word and God’s Ways, knowing when to speak and share the Love of Jesus for others, and at times when to have our quiet times with the Lord and spend time thinking on the goodness and grace of God in each of our lives.

Jesus continued to grow physically into manhood, just like we have. He made choices that gave Him favour in the lives of many people and He touched so many lives with His Wisdom. When we get wise in God’s Word we too will have the joy of touching many lives.

When we are in a right relationship with God, those who love Him will have favor with God and we will leave so many precious memories that over the years will provide an opportunity for us to pass on that Wisdom to the next generation of our families and friends.

Take out your scrap book of precious memories and consider how God has worked in your life and then continue to trust Him to be working in your life daily and don’t forget to share those memories with Family and Friends and it will be a great witness of Gods Amazing Grace that just may exactly what that Family member or friend needs to hear.

Treasure all these things in your heart just like Mary the Mother of Jesus did.

The Lord bless you and your Family.
In the Love of the Lord Jesus,
John and Barbara

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