This morning as I was doing some work around the house I decided to put some music on. Feeling a bit nostalgic I decided to rock it like it was 2006/7 and put on one of my favourite albums: United We Stand by Hillsong United. I have fond memories of listening to this album countless times as I drove to varsity in the mornings, and back in the afternoons.
The CD actually belonged to my sister, she had all the Hillsong United albums at that stage, and me, being a bit of a contrarian, had been later to the party. Since the Christian teens and young adults were all listening to Hillsong United, I wasn’t. For some reason or other I borrowed Steph’s copy of United We Stand and fell in love with some of the songs. Other songs on the album, that I initially wasn’t so keen on actually became some of my favourites the more I listened to them. To this day, it remains one of my favourite albums, but it’s not merely because I enjoyed the songs, more than that, they had become a soundtrack to a significant part of my Christian journey. When I hear these songs, they remind me of a time in my life where my faith was deeply challenged and evaluated, and as a result became stronger, more mature and established. I’m reminded of quiet times journalling in my car before the lectures started. Having my faith questioned, and even mocked by peers and even lecturers (not personally but indirectly through their critiques of Christianity or religion itself). I remember how God was leading me down the path to ministry without me even realising. And then, when I had been offered the job of assistant pastor, I remember these songs inspiring me as I started to plan out my very first sermons.

All of these memories, and more, were brought to mind this morning as I had the album playing in the background and I thanked the Lord for all He had done in my life. I thanked Him for those special years where my spiritual life grew in leaps and bounds, despite the struggles and the doubts. It is good to remember and give thanks.
1 I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart;
I will recount all of Your wonderful deeds.
2 I will be glad and exult in You;
I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. (Psalm 9:1-2)
I would like to encourage you to take some time to remember all the wonderful things that God has done in your life. Remember His faithfulness in times of trial, remember His loving care as He led you to Himself and healed your wounded and sinful heart, remember Him in the dark of night and the bright of day. I’m sure there are some songs that hold a special place in your heart as they remind you of significant moments in your journey with the Lord, why not give them a listen again?
God Bless
Beautiful, thoughtful and inspiring post Graham…thank you! We give thanks for YOU!
Music and words are such an integrated part of worshiping God. No wonder the Jews of the Old Testament used the psalms as part or their worship to Yaweh.
Hi Graham. Strangely I remember when you did your first sermon. Not the sermon as such. It is as if I can still see you as if yesterday. You were a little nervous but endeared yourself to our hearts.. I for one was teary eyed and so were many others. You made us proud to have you as one of our pastors.. You inspire and lift us up through your teachings.
Thank you Magda. It has been a blessing to share my journey with members of New Harvest such as yourself!
Hi Graham. I can remember your first time preaching as if it was yesterday. You made us proud to have you as one of our young pastors. You inspire and lift us up through your teachings.
Missing our praise and worship at church. May you and your family be blessed .
Lots of love