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by Graham Mol

Today as I was listening to music in the car I heard a worship song called He’s Always Been Faithful. It was clear from the words and some of the melody line that the song-writer took inspiration from the great classic hymn: Great is Thy Faithfulness. In that moment of listening to this song I was once again reminded of God’s incredible faithfulness and what it means for us in the ups and downs of life.

Here are the beautiful lyrics from He’s Always Been Faithful:

Morning by morning, I wake up to find
The power and comfort of God’s hand in mine
Season by season, I watch Him, amazed
In awe of the mystery of His perfect ways
All I have need of, His hand will provide
He’s always been faithful to me
I can’t remember a trial or a pain
He did not recycle to bring me gain
I can’t remember one single regret
In serving God only and trusting His hand
All I have need of, His hand will provide
He’s always been faithful to me
This is my anthem, this is my song
The theme of the stories I’ve heard for so long
God has been faithful, He will be again
His loving compassion, it knows no end
All I have need of, His hand will provide
He’s always
He’s always been faithful
He’s always been faithful to me

These words remind me of the incredible blessing that God’s faithfulness is in my life. What a wonderful source of encouragement it is to know that no matter what each day brings – the good, the bad, the peaceful, the difficult – in it all and through it all He is faithful. He will not abandon me, I will not walk alone. In any challenge I face, I know that I can go to Him. He will give me wisdom, He will guide me, He will carry me through.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful, (Hebrews 10:23)

When I have doubt, when I have fear, it means everything to me to know that He is there. Even in the darkest moment, the light of the hope that I have in Him shines through. He is my God, He will deliver me. Great is His faithfulness.

God Bless


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